Building Full-Stack Applications with FastAPI and Svelte

  • Audience: Junior/Medior Software Developers
  • Duration: 10-12 weeks
    • 10 one-hour lectures
    • 4 hours additional support per week
  • Price: € 4950
  • Format: Online 1-on-1 lectures, hands-on coding sessions, assignments, and a final project.
    • Contact us for group sessions
  • Start date: Anytime
  • Language: English, Dutch
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Who is this course for?

  • You're a Software Developer
  • You want to advance your skills
  • You want to write clean code
    • What they don't teach you at school
  • You want to build modern APIs and frontends

What you'll learn

  • Working with FastAPI and SvelteKit frameworks
  • Practical application of SOLID principles
    • And other important Design Patterns
  • Real-world Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Continuous Integration with Docker

Course Overview

Course Introduction
  • Overview of course objectives and structure
  • Final project introduction
  • Project guidelines and expectations
Development Environment Setup
  • Installing Python and FastAPI
  • Setting up a FastAPI project
  • Introduction to Svelte and setting up a Svelte project
  • Tools and IDE recommendations

FastAPI Fundamentals
  • Introduction to FastAPI framework
  • Creating your first FastAPI application
Working with Data
  • Introduction to Pydantic for data validation
  • Handling request and response bodies

Understanding SOLID Principles
  • Overview of SOLID principles
  • Importance in software development
Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
  • Definition and examples
  • Applying DIP in FastAPI projects

Database Integration
  • Introduction to document storage with MongoDB
  • Connecting FastAPI to a database
CRUD operations
  • Dependency Injection
  • Understanding dependency injection in FastAPI
  • Managing dependencies effectively

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  • Definition and examples
  • Applying LSP in FastAPI projects
Setting Up a Test Suite with Pytest
  • Creating and using fixtures for setting up test data
  • Writing tests using the Given-When-Then structure

Introduction to Svelte
  • Svelte basics and core concepts
  • Creating your first Svelte application
Svelte Components
  • Building and styling components
  • Handling events and state management

Creating a REST API with FastAPI
  • Designing and exposing API endpoints
  • Best practices for API design
Connecting Svelte to FastAPI
  • Fetching data from FastAPI endpoints
  • Displaying data in Svelte components

Building Full-Stack Features
  • User authentication and authorization
  • Creating dynamic forms and handling user input
Introduction to CQRS
  • What is CQRS and why use it
  • Implementing CQRS in a FastAPI project

Containerizing your Applications
  • Containerizing FastAPI
  • Containerizing Svelte
  • Continuous Integration
Docker Compose
  • Adding additional Docker images
  • Working with networks and volumes

Final Project
  • Build and demonstrate your full-stack application
  • Feedback sessions and improvements
Course Review and Q&A
  • Recap of key concepts
  • Q&A session to address any lingering questions

Your teacher

Benefit from Douwe's extensive experience and knowledge in full-stack development.

Douwe van der Meij -

“With over 20 years of experience, Douwe has worked on numerous high-profile projects across various industries. His expertise lies in building scalable and maintainable applications using modern technologies.”

Douwe van der Meij

Master Full-Stack Development with Expert Guidance

Transform your coding skills with personalized, one-on-one mentorship

Join this course