Setting up a proper Python development environment

  • Audience: Junior/Medior Software Developers
  • Duration: 2-4 hours
    • 1 one-hour lecture
    • 1-3 hours additional support
  • Price: free
  • Format: Online 1-on-1 lecture, hands-on practice session.
    • Contact us for a group session
  • Start date: Anytime
  • Language: English, Dutch
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Who is this course for?

  • You're a Software Developer or Data Scientist
  • You don't like Anaconda
  • You're maintaining multiple projects with different library versions
  • You want to advance your skills

What you'll learn

  • Understand the importance of isolated environments
  • Install and use pyenv & Poetry
  • Set up real-world Python projects
  • Troubleshoot common Python environment issues

Course Overview

Introduction to Python Development Environments
  • Importance of a clean and isolated Python environment
  • Common problems with global Python installations
  • Overview of tools to manage Python versions and dependencies
  • What is pyenv and why use it?
  • Installing pyenv
  • Basic usage: Installing, listing, and switching between Python versions
  • Configuring shell environment for pyenv
  • Hands-on Activity:
    • Installing pyenv and setting a Python version
  • Introduction to Poetry
  • Why use Poetry over other dependency managers?
  • Installing Poetry
  • Creating a new Poetry project
  • Managing dependencies and virtual environments with Poetry
  • Hands-on Activity:
    • Setting up a new project with Poetry
Integrating pyenv and Poetry
  • Configuring Poetry to use pyenv Python versions
  • Setting up a seamless workflow with pyenv and Poetry
  • Hands-on Activity:
    • Configuring a project to use pyenv with Poetry

Your teacher

Benefit from Douwe's extensive experience and knowledge with Python.

Douwe van der Meij -

“With over 20 years of experience, Douwe has worked on numerous high-profile projects across various industries. His expertise lies in building scalable and maintainable applications using modern technologies.”

Douwe van der Meij

Understand Python environments with Expert Guidance

Improve your Python skills with personalized, one-on-one mentorship

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